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€ 120,75
EAN-13: 9789042950344
Andrejevs O.
The Synoptic Problem 2022
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 120,75

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€ 74,75
EAN-13: 9789042952065
Witulski T.
Der erste Petrusbrief und die johanneischen Schriften
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 74,75

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€ 149,50
EAN-13: 9789042950825
Ramond S.
Repenser la rétribution. Rethinking Retribution
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 149,50

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€ 108,10
EAN-13: 9789042946194
Sevrin J.-M.
Études sur l'Évangile selon Thomas et la littérature gnostique
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 108,10
DescrizioneJean-Marie Sevrin a enseigné le Nouveau Testament à la Faculté de théologie de l’Université catholique de Louvain, à Louvain-la-Neuve, de 1981 à 2007. Docteur et maître en théologie, licencié en philologie orientale, il avait toutefois consacré ses premiers travaux au gnosticisme et aux textes coptes nouveaux découverts à Nag Hammadi, en Haute Égypte, vers la fin de l’année 1945. Le présent ouvrage rassemble dix-sept textes, articles ou chapitres de collectifs, consacrés à des écrits retrouvés a Nag Hammadi (dont l’Évangile selon Thomas, l’Évangile selon Philippe, l’Exégèse de l’âme et l’Apocryphon de Jacques), aux traditions baptismales gnostiques et à la question des adversaires gnostiques de Paul dans la première lettre aux Corinthiens. Trois index complète l’ouvrage. Ce recueil prend place à côté de celui qui regroupe les études de Jean-Marie Sevrin consacrées au Quatrième Évangile (BETL 281, Peeters, 2016).

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€ 105,80
EAN-13: 9789042945739
Verheyden J.
Early Christian Commentators of the New Testament
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 105,80

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€ 108,10
EAN-13: 9789042942745
Mason E.F.
"With Gentleness and Respect"
Edizione:Peeters, 2020
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 108,10
DescrizioneThis volume honors Troy W. Martin and his thirty years of fruitful scholarship in New Testament and related disciplines. Sixteen studies by an international group of scholars explore texts and themes prominent in Martin’s own research in the Pauline letters and 1 Peter. Two articles consider rhetorical criticism of Galatians (David E. Aune, A. Andrew Das); four examine key passages and themes in Romans (Laurie J. Braaten, P. Richard Choi, Charles H. Cosgrove, and Mark F. Whitters); five explore issues of interpretation and reception of other Pauline texts (Christopher Forbes, George Lyons, Clare K. Rothschild, Todd D. Still, D. Francois Tolmie); and five address exegetical and rhetorical matters in 1 Peter (Jenny L. DeVivo, Eric F. Mason, Nancy Pardee, Russell B. Sisson, Duane F. Watson). The volume also includes a biographical tribute (Avis Clendenen and Jenny L. DeVivo), an annotated bibliography of Martin’s academic publications (Teresa J. Calpino), and indices (compiled by Najeeb T. Haddad).

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€ 109,25
EAN-13: 9789042938533
Ostmeyer K.-H.
Jüdische Gebete aus der Umwelt des Neuen Testaments
Edizione:Peeters, 2019
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 109,25
DescrizioneDas „Studienbuch Gebet“ bietet einen Überblick über das Spektrum jüdischen Be¬tens im Umfeld der Schriften des Alten und Neuen Testaments. Sowohl repräsentative Gebete als auch Unikate werden in den Blick genommen. Als Kompendium antiker jüdischer Gebete versteht sich das Studienbuch als „Auswahl-Bibliothek“ der bei¬den vor- und nachchristlichen Jahrhunderte. Eine möglichst wörtlich gehaltene und parallel zum Original präsentierte Übersetzung (samt einer kurzen Einführung) soll es den Benut¬zenden ermöglichen, die Texte nachzu¬vollziehen und ein Gefühl für Gemeinsamkeiten und Besonderheiten antiken jüdischen Gebetslebens zu entwickeln. Wenn das Beten für Feinde bis heute als neutestamentliches Spezifikum ver¬standen wird, dann liegt das auch daran, dass bestimmte Gebetstexte nicht diskutiert werden. Einige Gebete sind hier erstmals ins Deutsche übertragen. Im Gebet spiegeln sich das Got¬tesbild wie das Selbstbild der Betenden. Die Gebetssammlung erweist sich als ein Panoptikum antiker jüdischer Theologien und Anthropologien. Christliches Beten und christliche Theologie sind nicht zuletzt vor diesem Hintergrund (besser) zu verstehen.

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€ 98,90
EAN-13: 9789042936386
Vollmer T.A.
"The Spirit Helps our Weakness"
Edizione:Peeters, 2018
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 98,90
Descrizione“The Spirit Helps Our Weakness” examines the fundamental question of how precisely the Spirit aids the weakness of believers. After an initial discussion on the way Rom 8,26-27 has been interpreted, the study explores the central issues and conclusions in scholarship on the Romans debate. Building upon that scholarship, this study contends that Paul’s purpose in writing the letter revolved around a missiological imperative, which permeates the letter. The second part of the work provides an exegetical analysis of Rom 8,26a, including the way in which the clause fits within its broader context, particularly within vv. 26-27. In light of Paul’s missiological motivation, this study argues that the Spirit serves as activating agent to accomplish God’s mission. Ultimately, the missiological nature of the Spirit, working within believers, underlines the priority for Paul’s ministry and by extension, his purpose for writing the Letter to the Romans.

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€ 102,35
EAN-13: 9789042936324
Allard M.
Fins et commencements. Renvois et interactions
Edizione:Peeters, 2018
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 102,35
DescrizioneLe présent volume contient les mélanges offerts à l’exégète canadien Michel Gourgues, reconnu pour ses travaux sur les deux extrémités du témoignage néotestamentaire, le commencement et la fin: d’une part, les témoignages les plus primitifs de la foi chrétienne, repérables à travers les formulaires (hymnes, credos, kérygme) pré-pauliniens; d’autre part, les témoignages les plus récents, tant du corpus épistolaire (les deux lettres à Timothée, la lettre à Tite) que du témoignage évangélique (le quatrième évangile). Les contributions explorent comment les commencements et les achèvements sont négociés en plusieurs corpus de la Bible. Le volume s’honore des contributions de Martha Acosta Valle, Maxime Allard, Ayodele Ayeni, Michel Berder, Benoît Bourgine, Simon Butticaz, Aurélie Caldwell, Lorraine Caza, Emmanuel Durand, Camille Focant, Paolo Garuti, Alain Gignac, Jean-Jacques Lavoie, Pierre Létourneau, Marie de Lovinfosse, Daniel Marguerat, Jean-Paul Michaud, Etienne Nodet, Chantal Reynier, Adrian Schenker, Benoît Standaert, Walter Vogels et Jean Zumstein.

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€ 108,10
EAN-13: 9789042935532
Heil C.
Built on Rock or Sand?
Edizione:Peeters, 2018
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 108,10
DescrizioneThis volume contains the proceedings of an international Q symposium held at Graz University on July 20–23, 2011. The conference presented the current state of Q studies and spelled out their future directions through interpretations of particular texts and methodological reflections. One important thrust of the discussions during the conference concerned the literary character of Q: Is it possible or indeed necessary to reconstruct the wording of Q? How coherent, “finished” and scribalized was Q? Other central topics related to the social and theological importance of Q: What were the contexts of the composition of Q? How can the relationships between Q and ancient Judaism(s) and nascent Christ groups be described? Particular attention was given to the issues of (1) oral and scribal factors, (2) narratological and intertextual approaches, (3) reconstruction and redaction criticism, (4) ethos and Torah, (5) Q and the Gospel of Matthew, (6) Q and the Gospel of John and (7) new approaches to the Q hypothesis and the Synoptic Problem. Contributors include G.B. Bazzana, R.A. Derrenbacker, Jr., D. Dormeyer, H.T. Fleddermann, P. Foster, M. Frenschkowski, P.J. Judge, S.R. Johnson, J.S. Kloppenborg, M. Labahn, D.R. MacDonald, D.T. Roth, C.K. Rothschild, F. Siegert, D.A. Smith, M. Theobald, M. Tiwald, C. Tuckett, S. Witetschek, V. Wittkowsky, and R. Zimmermann.

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€ 105,80
EAN-13: 9789042934047
Labahn M.
Ausgewählte Studien zum Johannesevangelium. Selected Studies in the Gospel of John. 1998-2013
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 105,80
DescrizioneThis volume contains English and German articles of Michael Labahn on the Gospel of John. The 17 articles are grouped under four headings: Reports of research, Interpreting John in the context of the Old Testament and history of ancient religions, Studies in major Johannine topics, and Studies in individual texts. The volume presents the most relevant and groundbreaking articles of Labahn which cover a wide range of approaches and address many subjects. The articles illustrate Labahn’s approach for integrating methods and meanings, a typical feature of most of his work. Furthermore, it is one of his intentions to read the Gospel of John as an integral part of nascent Christianity, hence developing its own peculiar interpretation of Jesus as the son of God and giver of life. Labahn’s often inspiring essays yield valuable new insights and have been well received in the scholarly community. This collection brings together into one volume articles that had been published in various places but have a thematic and theological coherence.

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€ 108,10
EAN-13: 9789042934863
Kirchschläger P.G.
Mass-Losigkeit und andere ethische Prinzipien des Neuen Testaments
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 108,10
DescrizioneFür Christinnen und Christen stellt die Bibel eine Hauptquelle dar, um in ethischen Fragen Orientierung zu finden. Um sowohl den biblischen Texten als auch den zu klärenden moralischen Anliegen gerecht zu werden, hat die Auseinandersetzung mit der Bibel aus ethischer Perspektive methodisch und hermeneutisch reflektiert zu erfolgen. U. a. bedeutet dies, dass der jeweilige Denk-, Wissens- und Verstehenshorizont der biblischen Erzählungen bzw. ihrer Rezeption in der Gegenwart beachtet werden muss. Diese ethischen Prinzipien orientieren sich im Neuen Testament an der Person Jesu von Nazaret und sind im Zeugnis der frühen Kirche über das Wirken und die Verkündigung Jesu, vorwiegend in den Evangelien, sowie in der Christusverkündigung des Neuen Testaments überliefert. Dieses Buch verfolgt das Ziel, im Zuge einer kursorischen Auslegung der aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung im Bezug auf ethische Prinzipien des Neuen Testaments ausgewählten Texte diese Prinzipien freizulegen und zu reflektieren und zu ihnen auf der Basis der Textauslegung weiterführende Überlegungen anzustellen.

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€ 108,10
EAN-13: 9789042935549
Hamidovic D.
Encyclopédie des messianismes juifs dans l'Antiquité
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 108,10
DescrizioneSi le messianisme est encore aujourd’hui un objet d’étude qui passionne les historiens et les théologiens, c’est certainement parce qu’il a contribué à façonner la conception occidentale du déroulement du temps et de l’aboutissement de l’Histoire. La société moderne, pourtant sécularisée, semble plus que jamais dans l’attente du surgissement d’un monde nouveau. Cet appel sourd à un changement radical est motivé soit par le désir d’en finir avec un monde encore imprégné de valeurs jugées dépassées et inadaptées à la modernité, soit par le désir contraire de voir les valeurs traditionnelles bientôt rétablies dans leur pureté originelle. Un tel constat existe dès l’Antiquité. Certes, la croyance en Jésus devenu le Christ, c’est-à-dire le messie, façonne l’originalité chrétienne, mais elle puise dans le judaïsme ancien où fleurissent déjà les attentes messianiques. Ce livre entend restituer la pluralité des voix messianiques afin d’en saisir les spécificités dans l’histoire.

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€ 90,85
EAN-13: 9789042934405
Grünstäudl W.
Verzwecktes Heil?
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 90,85
DescrizioneZweifellos haben biblische Erzählungen das kulturelle Erbe der westlichen Welt in besonderer Weise geprägt. Im Zusammenhang der Begegnung von dis/ability studies und Biblischer Exegese führte das zuletzt auch zur Frage, ob nicht aufgrund dieser kulturprägenden Wirkung anzunehmen sei, dass insbesondere neutestamentliche Heilungserzählungen die binären Gegensätze von normal/abweichend und behindert/nicht behindert entscheidend mitgeformt hätten. Stimmte dies, wären diese Texte Katalysatoren der Ausbildung kulturprägender Differenzkonstruktionen, die weit über den engeren Bereich der Religion bzw. des Christentums hinaus zumindest auch als Werkzeuge der Diskriminierung gebraucht werden können. In einer von dieser kritischen Anfrage inspirierten Spurensuche fragen die Beiträge dieses Bandes in unterschiedlichen Perspektiven danach, ob und wie in der Rezeption neutestamentlicher Heilungserzählungen körperliche Normalität und dis/ability konstruiert werden und inwiefern dabei von einer Instrumentalisierung oder Verzweckung der innerhalb der neutestamentlichen Textwelten das Anbrechen der Gottesherrschaft signierenden Narrative gesprochen werden kann.

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€ 98,90
EAN-13: 9789042933927
Heilig C.
Paul's Triumph
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 98,90
DescrizionePaul’s metaphorical language in Second Corinthians 2:14 has troubled exegetes for a long time. Does the verb θριαμβεύειν indicate that Paul imagines himself as being led to execution in the Roman triumphal procession? Or is the victory that is in view, by contrast, one the apostles receive themselves? Perhaps the Roman ritual does not constitute the background of this metaphor at all? Clarity with regard to these questions is a pressing issue in Pauline studies, given the fact that this metaphor introduces a central passage in the Pauline corpus that is of crucial importance for reconstructing the apostle’s self-understanding. Heilig demonstrates that, if all the relevant data are taken into account, a coherent interpretation of Paul’s statement is indeed possible. Moreover, Heilig brings the resulting meaning of Paul’s statement into dialogue with political discourse of the time, thus presenting a detailed argument for the complex critical interaction of Paul with the ideology of the Roman Empire.

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€ 98,90
EAN-13: 9789042934375
Verheyden J.
Luke on Jesus, Paul and Christianity: What Did He Really Know?
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 98,90
DescrizioneThe present volume contains the proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of the Leuven Centre for the Study of the Gospels which was dedicated to various aspects of Luke’s writings that all have to do with his knowledge of the world he is describing in his work. The symposium studied a number of topics relating to the social world of earliest Christianity. Contributors had been asked to address, if relevant, (1) the history of research for the theme that had been assigned to them, (2) recent developments in assessing the relationship between Gospel and Acts and the dating of both works, and (3) the implications that can be drawn from studying the evidence of Luke-Acts for reconstructing the life-world of the first Christian communities. Contributors include Giovanni Bazzana, Mark Bilby, Michelle Christian, Jens Herzer, John Kloppenborg, Manfred Lang, Markus Oehler, Thomas Phillips, Dieter Roth, Dan Smith, and Arjan Zuiderhoek.

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€ 89,70
EAN-13: 9789042935150
Ababi I.
Natan et la succession de David
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 89,70
DescrizioneNatan est une figure secondaire souvent laissée dans l’ombre dans l’histoire de l’interprétation des épisodes qui le mettent en scène (2 S 7; 12 et 1 R 1). Une étude narrative attentive montre qu’il est le personnage clé du processus qui mène à la succession de David et à l’instauration de sa dynastie à Jérusalem. Présenté d’emblée comme un prophète fiable, témoin privilégié de la promesse d’une lignée qu’il communique à David dans un célèbre oracle, Natan est étroitement lié à l’engagement de Dieu envers le roi dont il dénoncera le péché avant de lui annoncer une fin de règne troublée. Après avoir «rebaptisé» Salomon à sa naissance, il sera l’un des protagonistes principaux de sa montée sur le trône à la place de son père. L’étude synchronique de ces trois textes met en lumière le continuum narratif entre eux. Loin d’être des épisodes distincts qui dessinent chacun un portrait différent de Natan, ils constituent le lieu d’une cohérence narrative dont la trame est formée par la succession de David et le rôle crucial que ce prophète y joue. Le serment par lequel Dieu s’engage à donner une dynastie à David (2 S 7) crée chez le lecteur une attente, qui rebondit suite à la faute du roi et à la naissance de Salomon (2 S 12) avant d’être satisfaite lorsque, pour contrer les manœuvres d’Adonias, Natan amène le vieux souverain à imposer le fils de Bethsabée, se faisant ainsi le véritable catalyseur de l’accomplissement de la promesse divine (1 R 1).

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€ 89,70
EAN-13: 9789042933743
Schellenberg A.
Interpreting the Song of Songs - Literal or Allegorical?
Edizione:Peeters, 2016
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 89,70
DescrizioneThe Song of Songs is one of the most often interpreted books of the Bible. Through the ages interpreters have agreed that it is a highly poetic piece of literature, but their interpretations have differed fundamentally. After a centuries-long consensus that the Song must be interpreted allegorically as reflecting the relationship of God and humans and a shorter consensus that the Song must be interpreted literally as a composition of profane love lyrics, the discussion in recent years has once again become more controversial, as a growing number of exegetes have been more open to theological interpretations. This volume offers contibutions that take different stands in this newly inflamed discussion. It thus enables readers to further think about the question and come to their own conclusions.

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€ 102,35
EAN-13: 9789042933736
Reid D.G.
Miracle Tradition, Rhetoric, and the Synoptic Problem
Edizione:Peeters, 2016
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 102,35
DescrizioneThis study examines the relative plausibility of three contemporary synoptic gospel source-critical hypotheses, namely the Two-Document Hypothesis (2DH), the Two-Gospel Hypothesis (2GH), and the Farrer Hypothesis (FH). Specific attention is paid to the implied redaction of the Gospel miracle traditions, which are evaluated through the lens of first-century Greco-Roman biographical and narrative rhetorical conventions. The influence of such conventions is first demonstrated in the known adaptations of two first-century writers, namely Josephus and Plutarch. The same conventions are then used to assess the relative redactional plausibility of the three synoptic hypotheses, first in relation to the implied order and selection of miracle traditions, then in relation to narrative adaptations in three specific miracle pericopes. While the cumulative evidence clearly points to the greater plausibility of the Markan Priority hypotheses over against the 2GH, neither the 2DH nor FH was demonstrably more plausible than the other.

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€ 96,60
EAN-13: 9789042933729
Gagné A.
Constructing Religious Identities during the Second Temple Period. Construction des identités religieuses à l'époque du Second Temple
Edizione:Peeters, 2016
Collana:Biblical Tools and Studies

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Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 96,60
DescrizioneProfessor emeritus since 2012, Jean Duhaime taught Hebrew Bible at the Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions de l'Université de Montréal from 1976 to 2012, and served there as Dean from 2005 to 2009. This volume offered to Duhaime on occasion of his 68th birthday focuses on his major contribution to scholarship: the construction of religious identities at the crossroads of exegesis and the social sciences. Contributions on this topic cover a wide range of literature: the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Pseudepigrapha, the late Hebrew Bible writings and the New Testament (Second Temple Period). Texts are studied through various interpretative tools such as social-scientific criticism, literary criticism, and historical criticism. Papers examine how ritual, characterization, interpretation of religious texts, material artifacts, etc. play a role in the identity formation of various Judaic and Christian groups in the Second Temple period.

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